If you’re not allergic to peanuts, you should feel safe consuming them during pregnancy. 

If you do have an allergy to peanuts or any food, you should avoid them at all times. Remember that peanuts may be hiding in a variety of foods, including:

chocolate products and candy

Asian cuisine


granola bars

other items processed in places that also process peanut products

Peanuts are actually a smart food choice for pregnant women.

They contain protein and folate. Folate and folic acid supplements are recommended during pregnancy to help prevent birth defects, particularly of the developing brain and spine.

Of course, your sense of smell and your taste preferences may change significantly during pregnancy.

 If peanuts aren’t agreeing with you, then find other sources of protein and folate.              Folic acid supplements may be recommended, regardless of your regular diet.

Genetics and lifelong allergies:

Peanut allergies, like other allergies, tend to run in families. Not long ago, the thinking was that if someone in your family had a peanut allergy, you should avoid peanuts during pregnancy.

 Peanut consumption during pregnancy is now considered safe if the mother has no peanut allergy, regardless of family history.


Allergy experts state that while children often outgrow allergies to milk and eggs, peanut allergies along with tree nut allergies are more likely to be lifelong.


The 2017 guidelines from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recommend that all children with severe eczema or an egg allergy be considered high risk for peanut allergy. 

They should be seen by an allergy specialist for further evaluation and testing.


If you have any questions about foods during pregnancy, consult with a nutritionist who specializes in working with expectant mothers. 

Your healthcare provider may also be a good resource.

Pregnancy can be a wonderful but anxious time. Whenever you have concerns, seek out the answers so that you can enjoy these months as much as possible.